This web application can be used to keep track of your hobbies and interests. You can create your own collection based on the hobby of your choice. If your collection does not fit in one of the several pre-existing hobbies, you can create a new hobby.
Hobbies are maintained by the user community as a whole. Anybody can add/edit items in the hobby. Using a book as an example hobby, I can add a book to the catalog. You can add the publish date of the book. A third person can add the cover image of that book. It is a community effort. Here are your favorite hobbies. You can alternatively browse for more.
Collections are a personal take on hobbies. In the book example, you may want to keep track of the books you have read. Your "Recently Read Books" and "Books Wishlist" collections are maintained by you alone. However, all the catalog information is included in your collection. Here are your favorite collections and some suggested ones.